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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

oh ya.. forgot.. i also really am glad that this trip has foster relationship with one another.. then also get to know them better.. really want to thank sus for so caring and chari and Godma, Godpa, and sam and li wei mun kong and teddy and everyone else.. thank you Godma for taking care of me took.. giving me water.. cause dunno where the water bottle went.. thanks

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:.God's Child.:

  • Gabriel Wong
  • studies at NYP (Electronic, Computer and Communication Engineering)
  • Serving in the BB and in the youth ministry of Chapel Of The Holy Spirit
  • Age:21 Years Old
  • Birthday:20 January 1988


  • Reading the Bible
  • Fellowshipping with friends
  • BB (2LT)
  • Church
  • Frenz
  • Youth Ministry (Point.Com)
  • Studies


  • GOD
  • Godma and Godpa
  • BB
  • Church Frens

:.Dun Really Love.:

  • People who have no sense of responsiblities
  • Untrueful friends
  • Insensitive to ppl feeling friends
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